Tomi Transformation Week 1 – The Harsh reality.

Tomi Transformation Week 1 – The Harsh reality.

When I agreed to do the Workout Meals & Robbie Frame Fitness transformation, I didn’t realise I was in such bad shape! Looking at my photos, I was honestly speaking very disappointed at myself.


I have been working lots with the Workout Meals team in attempt to spread Workout Meals into Melbourne & Adelaide. I also have a 1 year old and lots of commitments, but at the end of the day, it’s all excuses and accountability has not been taken. I am sure many of you can relate to that.

I encourage all of you that are very busy with work, friends and family commitments, etc. to do a DEXA scan and take photos baring all; facing and accepting the harsh reality is step one. On the World Health Organisation, my BMI puts me at the back end of overweight and just under Obese. That’s not where I placed myself in my head but hey! 

Accepting this reality and taking out the guess work we have Robbie Frame that mapped out a unique training and macro plan specifically for me. In the past I have wasted lots of time by guessing what I should be eating and how I should be working out. The greatest piece of advice I can give you is NOT do this, have a professional like Robbie that knows his stuff map this out for you and do not get caught using a cookie cuter diet! I cannot tell you how important this is, you will save your time, effort and money on stupid unnecessary things with your own guess work. I can not recommend Robbie Frame Fitness enough for you.


Smashing out the first session with Robbie and the second on my own I already feel myself breaking through the barrier, but WOW are my legs sore!!!!

If you are wanting to get in shape for summer, now is the time. Join me follow the same steps I do and you will get there.  Email if you would like to join the same journey I will be taking.

Otherwise you will see my transformation live on the Workout Meals Facebook, Instagram, MyFitnessPal Diary and this blog post!


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